Construction Equipment Towing Team Saves 2 Trucks and 1 Skid Steer
A family was in desperate need of a construction equipment towing team after things just kept going wrong at their Dayton, Maryland, property. The patriarch of the family had rented a skid steer to clear up some land at the bottom of his property, around 200 yards downhill from his home. Unfortunately, due to the muddy conditions the skid steer got stuck. The quick-thinking father drove his brand new Ford F350 down to the skid steer to try to get it free. Unfortunately, his F350 joined the skid steer in the Stuck in the Mud Club.
Clearly, this family is not one to back down in the face of a challenge. With the skid steer and the father’s F350 stuck in the mud, what do you think they did? Well, they brought in the son’s Ford F150 to try and get the F350 dislodged from it’s muddy prison! As one can imagine, this worked as well as their previous attempts to save the skid steer. Within thirty minutes, the family found themselves with a skid steer, an F350, and an F150 stuck in the mud! With no more vehicles to send down, they finally gave the construction equipment towing team at Priority a call!
This recovery required extreme precision and team work. In order to reach the vehicles, they had to run all their winch cable and create an extension using 5 different straps! To make matters even more difficult, they had a retaining wall, a well head, and a retaining pond to navigate around as well!
The first vehicle to be saved was the skid steer. The team had to first pull it up using the 5 straps and the cable. Once they got to the end of the straps, they unhooked them and continued the operation using only the winching cable. The team then focused their sights on the two Fords. Both vehicles were parked against a fence. In order to get them uphill, the team first had to winch them sideways. This gave them enough room to be able to hook-up to the backend of the trucks and winch them back to the driveway.
Four hours and a lot of mud later, all three vehicles were safe on the concrete driveway! When the father asked if this was the hardest recovery they’ve ever done, the tow truck operator responded with, “Well, it’s not underwater, so no!”
Fantastic work out there team! Go wash that mud off and have yourself a warm cup of coffee.

Details of Construction Equipment Towing Team Saves 2 Trucks and 1 Skid Steer
The construction equipment towing team was called to a job in Dayton, near Route 32. The construction equipment towing team arrived and began to assess the situation. The construction equipment towing team ran all of the winch cable out and then attached 5 straps to the cable to be able to reach the three vehicles. The construction equipment towing team hooked up to one connection point on the skid steer. The construction equipment towing team then winched out the skid steer from the mud. The construction equipment towing team then hooked up to the F150. The construction equipment towing team pulled the F150 sideways. Then, the construction equipment towing team hooked up to the back of the F150 and pulled it backwards all the way up the hill.
The construction equipment team then hooked up to the F350. The construction equipment towing team pulled the F350 sideways. Then, the construction equipment towing team hooked up to the back of the F350 and pulled it backwards all the way up the hill.