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Priority Towing & Recovery

Priority Towing Priority Towing
15950 North Ave WoodbineMD21797
(240) 780-8691 $$$
4,914 Reviews

Heavy Duty Tow off I-95 in Jessup

Heavy Duty Tow Team Helps Broken Down Truck in Jessup, MD

Priority Towing responded to a client in need of a heavy duty tow team in Jessup, MD. The semi tractor trailer had broken down just off the I-95 with unknown engine issues. The truck driver knew that Priority’s mobile diesel mechanics were just a phone call away and immediately called for assistance. Priority immediately dispatched a mobile diesel team to aid the stranded truck in Jessup.

The Priority mobile diesel mechanics ran a full diagnostic on the truck and flagged multiple severe engine problems. Further inspection showed that the truck’s camshaft was cracked in half! While mobile mechanics can fix most issues on the spot, there are certain ones that require the truck to be disassembled in a repair shop. After consultation with the mechanic, the truck driver agreed to have his tractor trailer towed to a repair shop in Baltimore, MD.

Priority Towing immediately dispatched a heavy duty tow team to the customer’s location. Once in Jessup, the towing team made quick work of prepping the truck to be towed. The team then dropped it off at the repair shop where it underwent extensive repairs.

Fantastic work out there!

heavy duty tow

Details of Heavy Duty Tow Team Helps Broken Down Truck in Jessup, MD

The heavy duty tow team responded to a request for assistance in Jessup, MD. The original call came in for a mobile diesel mechanic. Mobile diesel mechanics work alongside heavy duty tow technicians in order to provide truck repair services at the customer’s location.

The heavy duty towing team’s mobile diesel mechanic was immediately dispatched to the customer’s location. In order to arrive as quickly as possible, the heavy tow team took the I-70 E/US-40 E from MD-144 W. They then took MD-100 E to MD-175 E in Columbia, taking exit 41A-41B from I-95 S.

The mobile diesel mechanic ran a full diagnostic on the truck and discovered multiple severe engine issues. The mechanic recommended that the client call in the heavy towing team as the truck could not be repaired outside of a garage. The client agreed that the truck needed a heavy-duty tow team.

Priority Towing immediately dispatched a heavy towing team to the client’s location in Jessup, MD. Once they arrived, the heavy duty towing team backed their heavy wrecker towards the front of the tractor trailer. Using a wheel lift, they hooked onto the front axle of the tractor trailer and disabled the driveline. The heavy towing team ensured that the tractor trailer was ready to be towed. 

The tractor trailer was then towed to a reputable repair shop in Balitmore, MD, where it underwent extensive repairs.